
Ingennus has donated 0,7% to 2 organizations with whom we share values


Ingennus has donated 0,7% to Cáritas and the handball club Club Balonmano Colores. We share with them our efforts to promote and integrate people, through actions that help them learn and improve their capacities.

The handball club Club Balomnano Colores was founded in 2007 with the goal of claiming sports as an intercultural and coexistence integrator. Thus, sports become a wonderful tool for social integration, thanks to which children with learning issues, who don’t speak the language, suffer from bullying, etc. as well as children with no particular difficulty can find on handball a place to have fun, get motivated, collaborate and feel accepted, a place to learn values and improve their communications skills.

Caritas is non-profit organization with more than 60 years of history. Located in Spain, it plays an outstanding role on social promoting and supporting several social groups that are in social exclusion situations. It is remarkable their strong commitment to both people and territory promotion. On top of that, their actions contribute to reflect on the existing mechanisms to integrate and promote vulnerable and excluded collectives, on reporting injustices, on increasing people’s sensitivity, and on possible coordinated actions to fight poverty and social exclusion.



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